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By the decision of the National Electronic Mass Media Council of Latvia of June 9, 2022, the distribution (including rebroadcasting) of the following audiovisual programs registered in the Russian Federation is prohibited in the territory of Latvia:
AMC”, “AVTO24”, “CNL TV”, “Detskiy telekanal Mul’timaniya”, “Domashinie Zhivotnye”, “Drive”, “Dzīvā daba”, “HOME”, “Illyuzion+”, “Juveļiročka”, “KOSMICHESKIJ”, “Mir TV”, “Moja Planeta”, “MULTILANDIJA”, “Ohota i Rybalka”, “Okhotnik i rybolov”, “Pravoslavnaya telekompaniya “Soyuz””, “PSIKHOLOGIYA 21”, “Retro”, “RU.TV / РУ.ТВ”, “Russkiy Illyuzion”, “Shanson TV”, “Teleradioset' Blagikh Novostey (TBN)”, “Točka otriva”, “Tūrista acīm”, “TV-21M”, “Usad'ba-TV”, “V mire zhivotnykh”, “Voprosy i otvety”, “Vos'moy kanal”, “Zdorovoye televideniye”.
Full details can be found here
Interactive televisionof the new generation is available now

TV Pack «Comfort»
«Pamatpiedāvājums» included

TV pack “Basic”
«Pamatpiedāvājums» included
Channels in HD quality

General Channels

Entertaining channels

Latvian channels

Sports channels

Movie channels

News channels

Children's channels

Popular science channels.

Music channels

Adult channels
*can be connected for the additional charge.

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Find out if thepromotional offeris available at your address
*Broadcast archive list:
LTV1, LTV7, TV 3 Mini, TV 3, 3 +, TV 6, TV 3 Life, Re:TV, Sport 1 Baltic, Eurosport, Детский мир, CCTV-Русский, Настоящее Время, France 24, Brazzers TV Europe, Playboy, Filmzone, VIP Comedy, StarFamily, Filmbox Baltics, Docubox, Fast & Funbox, Filmbox Arthouse, Erox, Eroxx, Star Cinema HD, STV Pirmā!, 8TV, 360TV, TV Extra, New world, SuitcaseTV HD, Kino1